My daughter LOVES playdough, but the stuff I buy just isn't cutting it. It breaks apart, dries out easily, etc, etc. and it feels like a waste of money. Here's an awesome playdough recipe that I got from her preschool. Hope you get to try's super easy!
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 tsp. cream of tartar
2 Tbsp. oil
2 cups water
*food coloring as needed (I heard paste food coloring produces the best vibrant colors, although I used liquid and it was fine)
*Mix together the dry ingredients.
*Add food coloring and oil to the water.
*Mix dry and wet ingredients together.
*In pan on medium heat, cook the playdough. It will be gooey at first.
*Keep stirring until it pulls together and becomes the right consistency: not sticky.
*Knead the playdough on the counter until cool.
*Store in airtight container!
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