Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Name: Jen Etzel
Husband: Blase
Child: Hannah (2)

This is my second year attending MOPs and my first year serving on the Steering Team! I have been married to my husband for 5 years this fall and our daughter is 2 years old. I stay home with our daughter during the daytime and work with young adult and adult individuals with special needs on weekends and during evenings, as a private consultant and trainer of daily living skills and transition planning. I strive to find a balance between my part time work and my relationship with my family, and am blessed to have a husband who will race home from work to switch with me and support my dream to be both a stay at home mom and a working mom. I live most days in the chaos of finding the balance of it all, while trying to kiss and snuggle my toddler as much as I possibly can (if I can catch her!)

I love sharing my journey of motherhood alongside the girlfriends and mentors I have found here at Derwood MOPs. Before finding this group of outstanding women (thanks to my awesome neighbors!) I was missing a huge piece of the spiritual and emotional support that I have now gained from this group. I am excited to connect with the women attending this year and support their children in MOPPETS. My own daughter struggled last year in the transition away from me during meetings and I hope to help each child (as well as my own!) grow and become excited to learn and play with new and old friends.

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